Angel Investors Network of Gothenburg, Sweden© 2009-2023Privacy Policy På SvenskaContact us


Contact us if you are:


• Entrepreneur»



• Investor»

Interest in Investing with other Gotaf Members.


• Potential Partner»

Contact us for proposals on cooperation, link exchange etc




Angel Investors Network of Gothenburg, Sweden have been setup in coordination with the Angel network in Stockholm: Stockholms Affärsänglar that has been running since 2008.




Angel Investors Network of Gothenburg, Sweden (or Gotaf for short) is a network that provides Competence and Capital to finance entrepreneurs with interesting business ideas with the view of good return on investment.



Angel Investors Network of Gothenburg, Sweden seeks contact both with entrepreneurs with ideas stemming from high-tech innovations and/or entrepreneurs who see a possible market-niche in an existing industry.


If you have any interest in providing Competence or Capital yourself, then you are heartfully welcome to join the network by making minimum one investment in one of the companies we have sought out!


For you who are an entrepreneur, it is important that you make up your mind about what kind of help you're after: If it's purely capital, and you maybe already have several external investors, then an Angel Investor may not be the right choice for you. However, if it's primarily competence together with possibly some capital, then our type of network, and the experiences from the positions and the companies that the members of the network has built in many different niches mean that an angel investors involvement may turn out to be one of your most valuable assets.







Competence and Capital in a perfect mix.